長野えびす講花火大会 ミュージックスターマイン Music Star mine | Japan Nagano Ebisukou Fireworks Festival 2012 Pyromusical
Music Star mine Fireworks Display
This is a video of the Nagano Ebisukou fireworks festival held on November 23, 2012 at Saikawa No. 2 Green Space in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture Japan. More than 10,000 magnificent fireworks will be launched, such as Music Star Mine, which is a collaboration of music and fireworks, and the All japan 12 inch shells New Fireworks Contest, in which fireworks artists selected from all over the country compete for the beauty of fireworks.
0:00 Beniya Aoki Fireworks
4:11 Shinsyu Fireworks
全国十号玉新作花火コンテスト All Japan 12 inch shells new fireworks contest in Nagano 2012 長野えびす講煙火大会 日本一美しい晩秋の夜空
All Japan 12 inch shells Fireworks Collection
長野えびす講花火大会 700 meter Wide display, Nagano Ebisukou Fireworks 2012 in Japan 八号玉驚異の100連発超ワイドスターマイン
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